Editorial: State needs to slash student testing

Enquirer editorial board
Third-graders at Western Row Elementary School in Mason complete MAP testing in the school's science lab in this 2013 photo.
  • Gov. John Kasich and legislators should%3A%u2022 Direct the Ohio Department of Education to monitor the number of tests in every school district.%u2022 Direct the department to limit or cut away assessments whenever possible.%u2022 Consider total testing load when implementing and reviewing required assessments.%u2022 Allow parents to opt their students out of onerous testing%2C at least for a time.
  • The Ohio Department of Education should%3A%u2022 Serve as an information clearinghouse to highlight examples of test-load best practices.%u2022 Collaborate to troubleshoot districts struggling to limit testing.School districts should%3A%u2022 Be transparent about how many tests there are%2C when they are and what they accomplish.%u2022 Speak out to state leaders and parents about the burden of over-testing.

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The new state education tests are a mess. Sixth-graders at Midway Elementary in Westwood will take more than 22 hours of state-mandated tests from now to the end of this school year, approximately twice as many hours as were required last year.

Students across Ohio are facing a whole new layer of evaluation with the state's adoption of Common Core, outraging teachers and prompting some parents to opt their kids out of the new tests. Opponents of the Common Core standards have latched onto these growing pains as another reason the standards themselves need to go.

We agree that the amount of time students spend taking state and district tests needs to be reduced. It's time to re-prioritize education over testing.

At the same time, the Common Core standards are critically important to ensure the success of Ohio students. The standards remain the best way to ensure students are competitive in a global economy. Common Core strengthens and sustains America's greatness by demanding students' best work, regardless of where they study, and setting them up to succeed outside the classroom, regardless of where they'll live.

We can understand why some would conflate Common Core with over-testing. Some of the additional testing is mandated by Ohio's membership in PARCC, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Ohio is one of 11 states in the consortium, while Kentucky dropped out early last year. Ohio's PARCC membership is unpopular with some, but Common Core isn't the villain here.

Politicians and state and local education officials share blame for the crisis that has developed, and they all have a role to play in correcting the situation.

The state didn't realize until last month that students would be over-tested. Gov. John Kasich required the Ohio Department of Education to report to him how much testing students would face. We're glad he did but troubled that he needed to and that it didn't happen until last month. Educators and parents could've told you some time ago this nightmare was nigh.

So how should Ohio limit the test-load on students and educators? The Department of Education's Jan. 15 report showed the way, offering up legislative recommendations that would cut testing by 20 percent. That's a good start.

Meanwhile, parents who seek to opt out of testing for their children should be allowed to do so, at least during this turbulent transition period. The General Assembly should provide clear direction on the matter to the Department of Education and school districts besieged by opt-out requests.

The current uproar over over-testing offers some advice for the future. The Department of Education must avoid a future similar situation by regularly tracking the number and time-load of tests across Ohio's districts. It must actively aid districts who seek advice about testing reductions and hold up as examples those school districts who have stripped testing down to the bare-bones amount required to monitor school performance and measure student progress.

School district administrators must prioritize communication. They must be transparent with students about the number of tests, how long they will take, and the good that they'll do. They must speak out to state leaders and the public about the administrative burdens caused by additional testing.

Ohio students are paying the price of testing mania. It's time to ease the cost. Let's ensure students have the time they need to conquer tougher standards, not waste their time with additional, unnecessary tests.

Over-testing fix will require team effort

Gov. John Kasich and legislators should:

•Direct the Ohio Department of Education to monitor the number of tests in every school district.

•Direct the department to limit or cut away assessments whenever possible.

•Consider total testing load when implementing and reviewing required assessments.

•Allow parents to opt their students out of onerous testing, at least for a time.

The Department of Education should:

•Serve as an information clearinghouse to highlight examples of test-load best practices.

•Collaborate to troubleshoot districts struggling to limit testing.

School districts should:

•Be transparent about how many tests there are, when they are and what they accomplish.

•Speak out to state leaders and parents about the burden of over-testing.

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